What’s up here?

We love when objects last forever and beyond. When they carry along stories. When they make us smile, feel great, content, proud. This journal lives for this reason.

We are Mathilde, Max and Kev ; and we’re excited to share our journey with you.

Pour yourself a drink and talk to us

This journal brings topics. The most exciting part comes with the discussions that follow. Meet us in San Francisco and/or join us on Discord to keep the ball rolling. We’re a community of objects lovers. We’re excited to hear from you!

Subscribe to the Objet journal

Exploring the intersection of consumerism, desire, taste, meaning.


objet.cc 🪡 opensb.org 🛹 k7v.in ✍️ chessboxing ♟🥊 dad 👦👦
Writing bugs on a daily basis. Learning to not use my mouse.
enabling LE NEW CONSUMER to shine • sharing my wanders as a woman x entrepreneur raising two little kiddos