Hey there 👋 I’m Mathilde. We are Objet. We explore the intersection of consumerism, myth, satisfaction, desire, taste, joy, meaning and pride. Not specifically in that order. To brag at your next dinner, Objet is the french word for 'object' and should be pronounced 'OB-JEH'.
Hiiii from NYC 🌆 We’re in town til Friday. If you’d like to meet and/or if you’re thinking about someone we should meet, hit reply! Aside from shipping new versions, we love a good american coffee.
If you’re new here, welcome 👋
In today’s Objet journal:
Our mission 👉 Wait, what are they onto again?
Soul of an Objet 👉 Ben’s special skateboard deck
What’s up on the app 👉 A profile you’re proud to share
Cool reads 👉 Cause you know, it’s always cool to read cool stuff
Our mission
The relationship we, humans, have with shopping - and our objects as a whole - is broken: we want to bring back joy and pride.
Objet is a safe space to explore your desires and know yourself better. Objet is where style shops mindfully.
Soul of an Objet | Benoit Cotte
Sublime possessions have soul and meaning. Meet Ben’s special skateboard deck.
Ben is altogether a dedicated rider and a genuine entrepreneur. Historically speaking, he might have been a skateboarder first, though. Fun fact: he was my sister’s classmate from age 3 to 11 😉 He's now building a joyful surfing journal.
Ben’s Objet profile | one of his passed surfing session
Hi Ben! So what's the backstory of this object?
This board is the one I got when I arrived in Berkeley for a semester about 10 years ago. It ends a ~10 year hiatus of skateboarding. Also, it symbolizes friendship and how real friends help you find what you truly love. Nico dragged me to the skateshop. Then, I was so psyched to choose my setting. That feeling in front of a wall of board will never change. If it weren’t for the relative environmental impact of skateboarding, that’d be the perfect day.
What object’s been your best investment?
Boards. The ratio happiness/price is unmet for me yet. It combines both a sport and a safe space for me.
Is there any other type of things you truly like to dig into?
Surfboards - I am particularly super curious on which direction it can go. I have invested in a surfboard company named Wyve which crafts boards in 3D printing for recycled plastic. Here’s mine.
What’s the next purchase you’re currently contemplating?
Probably a bike. I just moved in Anglet next to biarritz. I’d love to go around cycling. I’m probably go for a non-electrical bike. And I need something convenient to plug a surf rack and a baby seat.
Thank you!
👀 Did you know? Once you onboard on the app, you can respond to and engage with cool people like Ben in one click.
What’s up in the app
This week’s version brings along some enhancements in your (sharable) profile:
bio 📝 who you are, what you care about
location 📍where you’re based
website 🔗 more about you and your passions
cherished 💎 a new way to highlight your fav objects (think ‘favorite’ in your photos apps)
Here’s mine 💁🏻♀️
🌸🛼 Bounties are built to help you curate your next purchase and get reco from the community.
[NEW bounties] 👇
kelly is looking for a work dress
sarahmcb is looking for a new trench coat
Think you can help?
Could use advice in your next hunt?
Try us:
… and if you're not on iOS - it happens to cool people - feel free to reply in the comments!
Cool reads
🌱 A good life.
A message by.for the advertising industry: 'now is the time to reimagine what a good life in the future really means'
People are yearning to be more connected to themselves: to step out of the rat race towards a slower pace of life, with less precarity, and greater opportunities for self-sufficiency.
People are dreaming of being more connected to others, too. They want to strengthen and protect family relationships, build more nurturing support systems, and share routines and rituals with others.
And finally, people are dreaming of being more deeply connected to nature. They talk about wanting to be more embedded in the natural world, to live more resourcefully, and help protect and conserve nature.
📸 R.I.P. old MacBook Pro
A last greeting, before letting go.
I have a fairly strong tendency to become attached to the tools I use over time. One practice that tends to work for “releasing” sentimental objects is taking a picture of it, and being intentional about what value it brought me, and allowing it to go.
🗿 4.5m objects in their open database!
The Smithsonian Institution is the world's largest museum, education, and research complex. With the Smithsonian Open Access, one can now download, remix, reuse and share for free a library of 4.5 million 2D & 3D digital items, for any purpose.
If you got all the way here and have been seeking a better way to experience shopping & enjoy your possessions, alongside enthusiastic, not-so-serious souls, try Objet:
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Til next time,