Hey there 👋 I’m Mathilde. Every week I explore the intersection of consumerism, myth, satisfaction, desire, joy and pride. Not specifically in that order. To brag at your next dinner, Objet is the french word for 'object' and should be pronounced 'OB-JEH'. You're welcome.
Hello, hello! What’s up?
2022 resolution. Every week, I am paying a small tribute to an existing object that I live with, by writing down its story.
#3 The Grey Blue Jumper
Yeah, this jumper is one of a kind. Can't really tell if it is blue or grey, depends on the mood. What I can tell though, is that this one was custom made for me, by my beloved grandma. She is a very skilled knitting grandma.
As far as I can remember, she'd always have the latest yarn catalog Bergère de France hanging around in her kitchen. It would display a whole new set of creations every year, yarn samples attached. When we'd come over, my sister and I used to lust for the most beautiful sweater, unconsciously picking patterns from the "expert" category. Cause, you know, our grandma was one step beyond expert. She was a freaking knitting genius.
And whether you are 8, 13 or 24 years old, how fantastic it is to just pick a pattern, a color, and boom, magical hands craft it for you!
The waiting was part of the game, and we'd love to sneak in from time to time, to see the craft in motion. She'd start knitting the front, then the back, then the sleeves. Then assemble everything in a magical twist. The trial day was special. She wouldn't let you leave her house with a piece that wasn't fitting perfectly.
The uniqueness of one piece, and the pride to be wearing hundreds of hours of your grandma's work on your shoulders feel like a privilege. She's made us more jumpers and scarves than you can imagine. And since we got involved in the choosing, we never felt the awkwardness of unwrapping a jumper and well... confuse it with a mop.
My grandma no longer knits because arthritis got in the way, but her pieces will forever be kept as treasures.
Hope I won't gain too much weight over the years, because it’s already quite tight (gloups) and I really want to keep wearing this one.
Merci, grandma. ♥️
About Objet.
Objet is a mobile app that helps you build your collection of possessions, so that you can train the skill of knowing what you want and need.
Objet is also a community of people who want to be at peace with what they have.
In case you missed our come back, here’s a snapshot of the past months:
Cool reads.
Pretty controversial reads this week, enjoy 😎
📰 Why Reach People Avoid Consumerism While most people rush to own products and experiences (and run into debt), rich people acquire assets and stand still. They aren’t consumers, they are owners.
📰 Buy Things, Not Experiences (🙏 Billy) "Sure, the Lambo might still be a waste of money, but thoughtfully chosen material goods can enable new activities and enrich your life, extend your capabilities, and deepen your understanding of the world.” Everything, to me, stands in that word: thoughtfully 👆
Til next week,
To receive weekly élucubrations1 at the intersection of consumerism, myth, satisfaction, desire, joy and pride. 👇
élucubration n.f. : production déraisonnable, absurde, issue de recherches laborieuses ; divagation, extravagance. Pardon our french.